-to a beautiful place on Suruga Bay amongst the Green Tea Fields
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Every morning 30 minutes before sunrise Mt. Fuji transforms into a deep red beacon heralding a new day and is reinterpreted in subtle variations on the glass smooth surface of the bay as seen from this vantage point on Sagara Beach.
EThis picture, "Sagara Beach This Morning," will be updated with each new day.
Contents of our Site
- Producing green tea in New Zealand ( a realization of a 15 year dream to grow green tea in the southern hemisphere).@ The tea is named, "The Southern Cross."
- SAGARA BUSSAN producers' page (contains useful agricultural information for tea producers).
- SAGARA BUSSAN products: Our whole range from green tea to seafood.
- AKA UMIGAME KO-MANJU: Umigame (Loggerhead turtle) shaped traditional Japanese sweets.
- Dietea.@ Sagara Bussan's new powdered green tea product.
- Green tea order form (CGI).
- Link page and Yahoo Japan search engine.
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